Our Church School
Our Church School is a wonderful place for children to learn and grow. It's Riddlesden St Mary's Primary School, Grange Road, Riddlesden, West Yorkshire, BD20 5AB. The headteacher is Mrs Linda Wright.
The school's motto is: Encourage - Enrich - Enable
Mission Statement
The ethos and education aims of the school are firmly rooted in the Christian faith.
We encourage all children to reach their full potential through enriching life experiences and enabling them to become confident learners.
The ‘3Es’ underpin all we do and are built on the Christian values of Respect, Peace, Courage, Trust, Forgiveness & Friendship.
These values enable our children to become lifelong learners whilst having a mutual respect for all.
To find out more about our Church School, go to: https://www.riddlesdenstmarys.net/
or phone the School Office on 01535 210002
Email: office@riddlesdenstmarys.co.uk