Dear Friends,
Following the UK lock-down which saw all our buildings and activities closed we are now re-opening.
<span style="font-size: 1rem;">For the time being our online services will continue in their current format on YouTube (search for Rev Nick Walsh or use the link in the email) and Facebook (@StLukes70 or @StMarksDownham).</span>
To stay in contact with the church and to keep building up our faith and community please do one or all of the following:
• If you use WhatsApp please text me on 07774516204 so I can add you to the St Mark’s group
• If you use Facebook, please follow St Marks Downham (@stmarksdownham) for regular updates
• If you can’t do any of the above or if you would like to talk or pray or request support, please contact Rev. Nick - 07774516204 or [email protected]
Please do pray for us all as we will continue to pray for you. And as always, we encourage you to look after each other and care for those around you.</span>
Grace and Peace
Reverend Nick Walsh, Vicar