About Us

Welcome to St John the Baptist, Catford! We are a thriving Church of England parish church located between Lewisham and Bromley, ‘Sharing & serving in Christ’s name.’ 

We are a community made up of people from diverse backgrounds, from many parts of the world, aiming to welcome all who wish to draw close to God in our beautiful building. 

We worship in the modern catholic tradition and seek to serve all in our local community through a range of outreach activities and events. We are part of the Catford (Southend) and Downham Team which has four churches that serve our parish. 

Our main service is the Parish Mass on Sunday morning at 10.30. This involves servers, incense, great music and is open to all. We run Children's Church on the first three Sundays of the month during term time, and seek to support all our children and young people in their faith. We have Café Church, a more informal act of worship on the second Saturday of the month at 4pm, and we have midweek masses most weeks as well - see our website for more details. 

Our community activities include hosting the Lewisham Foodbank, Mums and Toddlers, Senior Social Club, Mother's Union, and the First Friday Club. 

We have close links with our Church of England primary school which is next door http://www.sjb.lewisham.sch.uk/ and also with Lewisham Foodbank, which uses our hall to store their food, and our church to distribute food on a Wednesday, 12-2pm. 

For more information go to our website:    St John the Baptist Church, Catford (stjohnscatford.co.uk)

and Facebook page :   St John's, Catford | London | Facebook

St John's follows the policies, procedures and guidelines laid down in the Church of England's 'A Safe Church' document for safeguarding children, young people and vulnerable adults. Our church policies can be found on our website