Peace is a Doing Word

Living Peacefully in a World of Conflict

A series of meetings for Lent 2025 organised by the Churches of the Bowland and Ewecross Deanery with Churches Together in Settle and District, Bradford Cathedral and The Peace Museum, Saltaire. Hosted by Holy Ascension Church, Settle.

On this page you will find links to recordings of the presentations in this Lent Series, and other related materials, for use personally or in your local groups

The series aims: to broaden our understanding of ‘peace’ and what it entails; to encourage us that peace is possible (as demonstrated through history and experience), and that we are all capable of being peace-makers and peace-builders.

Click here for all Castleberg Benefice Churches YouTube videos including those from this series. Links to individual presentations will be added, when available, to the list below.

Details of all five Sessions

11 March: What does ‘peace’ mean to you? [DOWNLOAD PROGRAMME]

Speaker: Dr Clive Barrett, Chair of Trustees, The Peace Museum, Saltaire [CLICK HERE TO WATCH VIDEO]

Questions for conversations around tables on arrival:

*What does peace mean to you?

*Is peace just an absence of conflict/war?

*Is peace achievable or an ideal?

Scripture for Pause for Thought Revd John Davies [DOWNLOAD TEXT]:

“Blessed are the peacemakers, because they will be called children of God” (Matthew 5.9)

18 March: Being a ‘Peace’ Church

Speaker(s): Settle Friends on Quaker values, faith, and practice

Questions for table conversations:

*Conflict and violence are often used interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. Discuss.

*Conflicts are inevitable and must not be repressed or ignored but worked through painfully and carefully. Discuss.

*What does the word conflict mean to you, what images come to mind?

*What conflict has shaped your understanding of peacemaking?

*What can we learn from Jesus’ life and teaching about violence?

Scripture for Pause for Thought (Revd Sue McWhinney):

“Love your neighbour as yourself”(Mark 12.31)

25 March: Peace between Faiths

Speaker: Canon Ned Lunn (Bradford Cathedral); with a short presentation by Emma Goodway, Commonweal Collection Outreach Worker

Questions for table conversations:

*Is peace primarily a political, religious, philosophical, practical, or personal concern?

*Discuss the responses to the Interfaith Iftar report (

*Can you think of examples of where churches have helped overcome differences and build understanding?

*Can you think of people who you regard as good examples of what it means to be a peacemaker?

Scripture for Pause for Thought (Revd Canon Ian Greenhalgh):

“Love your enemies”(Matthew 5.44)

1 April: Ecumenical Peace-building

Speaker: Margery Toller on Iona Community Common Concern Network; with a 5 minute video presentation by Steve Stockman and Martin Magill on Belfast’s 4 Corners Festival

Questions for table conversations:

*How has my faith story been influenced by different Christian/spiritual traditions?

*What have I learned from people who worship God in different ways to me?

*Is peace a continuous process or an endpoint?

Scripture for Pause for Thought (Revd Stephen Dawson):

“Pray for those who persecute you”(Matthew 5.44)

8 April: Practicing Peace

(There is no headline speaker as the emphasis will be on group work, enabling participants to reflect on the series so far)

Questions for table conversations:

*Is peace a state of mind or of being?

*Does peace necessarily mean compromise?

*Do you think the world is becoming more of less peaceful? Why?.

Scripture for Pause for Thought (Stephen Hogg):

“If you hold anything against anyone, forgive them”(Mark 11.25)

Lent 2025 Series - Session 1, PDF


Session 1 Scripture Pause for Thought John Davies, PDF
