We have special activities for children during our services as well as a 'children corner' full of toys in the back room. Children are also actively involved in some services (cf. above: 'worshipping at St Paul's').

Our children leaders organise also a 'Toddlers Group' every Tuesday morning during school terms from 9.30am to 11.30am. An 'After school Christian Club' that was running before the pandemic is still suspended and should restart as soon as possible. 

Children can also develop their dramatic talents in the AODS which organise two performances a year in Bradford. We have also strong links with our Church School (weekly collective worships in our church; monthly HC for Years 5-6 and Service of the Word for the other years; special celebrations for important Christian feasts). For more information about our children activities, contact the vicar who will address you to the right person. For our church school, go to the website: www.stpaulsceprimary.com.

Photo by Fura, from Freeimages.com

