Facilities and features


There are four toilets including an accessible toilet.

Two toilets are equipped with baby changing facilities.

Street parking.

Modern accessible toilet.

Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs

We have automatic doors into the rear of the building.

Our Building

Daylight hours.

Stained Glass

Bronze award.

Most Tuesday afternoons including light refreshments.

Music and Worship

Our Church has wonderful acoustics and is used for a wide variety of concerts.


Typically 8.30am Holy Communion on most Sundays.

Typically most Sundays at 10am.

Groups, Courses and Activities

CYFA meets most Sunday evenings in the Church Lounge.

We regularly courses to help those seeking faith and then developing onwards. Please contact our Vicar Rev Peter Willox for further details.

We have a number of regular groups meeting for fellowship and discussion. Please contact the leadership team for more information or see the notice board at the back of church.

Our Church Hall is widely used by our local community. To book our Church Hall please contact our Church office.

Contact our Vicar for details of the next course. He can be contacted via the Church Office (open most weekday mornings except Monday and Wednesday).

Meets most second Sunday afternoons. Please see church calendar for full details.

We have two groups which meet Wednesday and Friday mornings during term time. See church website for more details.

Help for Visitors

Typically during daylight hours for prayer and reflection or simply to look around.

Other Features

Our refreshments use Fairtrade Tea and Coffee.

Audio-Visual Facilities

Our church is part of Ben Rhydding Conservation area.

See church website for contact details.