Facilities and features


Roadside parking.

A toilet is available inside to the left at the far end, but 'Mind the Step'.

This is a useful aid to enable congregation members to hear more clearly.

Hymn books with large print are available on request.

Our Building

Holy Trinity is open from 10:00am to 3:00pm during winter and 10:00am to 4:00pm during summer. This church is not only a place of worship but a place for quiet personal reflection.

At the east end can be seen the beautiful altar window which depicts the Crucifixion against a rich background of trees and flowers. The window was given in 1900 as a memorial to the Founder by his widow. A rare possession is a 16th century Flemish window depicting The Last Supper.

A ROCHA Bronze Award Winner 2019 Eco Church.

Recently installed under-pew heaters are in use during Sunday services and special occasions, such as weddings, funerals, baptisms and concerts. There are independent radiators in the newly refurbished Community Room.

Grade 2 star.
Abraham Darby IV (formally a Quaker) had been baptized an Anglican at Little Wenlock in 1849 and, with the support of the Darby family, a church was planned for Coalbrookdale. His sister-in-law, Adelaide, provided the site and the foundation stone was laid by Abraham's wife, Matilda Frances on 11th December 1851 and the completed building was consecrated by the Bishop of Hereford 1854.

Music and Worship

Originally a peal of eight bells were hung. These were re-hung and tuned in 1925 when they were augmented by two further bells provided by public subscription in memory of Maurice Darby. Bell Ringers practice every Saturday morning and can also be heard calling our congregations to worship on Sundays.

Holy Trinity has had the pleasure of hosting concerts over the last year, one of which was the multi-award-winning Jackfield Band with Christmas music including a special presentation of The Snowman on screens with the soundtrack played live.
For future events contact... [email protected]

Harrison & Harrison 3 manual pipe organ.

For full information of services please visit our website; www.coalironlitt.co.uk under the heading of 'Services' then click on the 'Service Diary'.

Groups, Courses and Activities

Bible Study is at the Rectory, Paradise, every Thursday at 10:00am during term time. At present we are studying the Book of Ruth.

Help for Visitors

Information on the history of this church is on show both on entering and in the church itself. Please wander around and gaze up at the beautiful chancel with gold leaf in memory of Maurice Darby, (who was killed in the first world war) the only son of Alfred Darby and great nephew of the founder of this church. The chancel is maintained and supported by the Lady Labouchere Trust, as is Abraham Darby's white marble grave outside the chancel. More interesting information can be seen in the leaflet 'The Jewel of the Dale'.
As you are about to leave through the heavy oak doors glance up at the memorial of Captain Matthew Webb (a Dawley man) who died attempting to swim across the Niagara.

Where possible, this church is open daily 10:00-3:00/4:00

Other Features

Holy Trinity (in Church Road, Coalbrookdale) is situated in the beautiful peaceful corner of the Shropshire countryside. Abraham Darby IV funded the building of this church which was designed by Reeves and Voysey, the finest architects in the land.
Holy Trinity's connections with the Coalbrookdale Company and the Ironworks can be seen everywhere both in the building and surrounding churchyards starting first with the main entrance consisting of a pair of locally made cast-iron gates opening up to a path leading to the church entrance.