Home Groups

Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday at for 2 hours
Walsall St.Martin

We have several homegroups that meet during the week, both in the daytime and in the evening. Please contact Rev Jenny on 01922 277 695 for more information on how to get involved.

Holy Communion

Every Thursday at for 1 hour
Walsall St.Martin
1 Daffodil Road Walsall, WS5 3DQ, United Kingdom

A said service of Holy Communion, lasting 25 minutes, finishing just before 11am. A much quieter service and less busy than Sundays.

Sunday Worship

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 10 mins
Walsall St.Martin
1 Daffodil Road Walsall, WS5 3DQ, United Kingdom

Join us at 10am on a Sunday to share in Christ’s meal together as the family of God. We hear God’s word, listen to music and prayer together. Everyone is very welcome, it would be lovely to see you!

Our junior church is meeting during the service too so the whole family is welcome!

Messy Church

Sunday 15 September 2024, Sunday 20 October 2024, Sunday 17 November 2024, Sunday 22 December 2024, Sunday 19 January 2025 at for 1 hour
Walsall St.Martin
1 Daffodil Road Walsall, WS5 3DQ, United Kingdom

Messy Church is a new expression of sharing the Christian faith and is open to the whole family.

Messy Church is an activity based service where all the family can participate or just sit and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee.

Messy Church meets on the third Sunday of every month from 4pm to 5pm.

Each month Messy Church focuses on a different theme from the Bible, or Christian faith.

If you want to know more please contact Jenny on 01922 277 695

More information can be found on our website www.stmartinswalsall.org