How to give your regular weekly donation

Collections at the offertory have now been reinstated in our regular services, but it is still possible and desirable to give regularly in one of the ways mentioned below, so please continue to follow this advice, especially if you are unable to attend church in person. Our finances have taken a big hit during the pandemic, and with the energy crisis and inflation, the cost of heating is particularly problematic.

In consultation with the churchwardens and treasurer, and in cooperation with the Standing Committee of the PCC Fr Alaric is recommending a variety of ways in which you can continue to support the important witness of St George Tombland even when you are unable to attend. Several options have been provided. 

The Rector writes:

1. You could set your offering aside each week and when you are able to return to church you can bring in what you've gathered, or, if you're mobile and in Norwich, and don't want to have cash lying around, you could drop the offering through the mail slot of the Rectory and I'll make sure it gets banked. Please ring or email for guidance (phone numbers are in the contacts section of this website).

2. You could set up a standing order. There is a form attached to this page which will help with this. If you have problems with printing you could let our treasurer Gail Woods know and she would be happy to print out a form and post it to you. If you need a hand with this, Gail would be happy to speak with you.

3. You could do a one-off payment. Our bank details are:

Lloyds Bank plc, Norwich Branch:

Sort code: 30-96-17

Account No: 02042253

Account: St George Tombland Current Acc

4. You could post a cheque to Gail's address and she will see that it gets banked. If you don't have her address please ask.

5. You could use the attached QR code, which enables you to give online easily. (See also the option of giving by text which is explained under "Giving Donations")

If you are currently having any financial difficulty, please take care of yourselves and leave any contribution to the church until you are in a better position to contribute; those of us who are more secure can certainly look out for the more financially vulnerable in our midst. But, of course, anything you can do would be appreciated.



QR_code_for_donations_QnR6sv3, PDF
