Announcements and News

Sunday Worship

Our normal pattern is a Sung Eucharist at 11 a.m. but please check the diary and events pages for special occasions. On the fifth Sunday in the month there is often no service at Tombland since we hold one service for the three churches in the group. 

Weekday worship:

There is usually a weekday Eucharist on Friday morning. For other special holy days see the events pages.

Forthcoming events:

Watch the events pages for special services and other events.

Visiting the church

The church is usually open 10 to 12 on Wednesday and Thursday mornings. You are also welcome to visit when there is a service or at the end of the service, and if there are people in the church doing cleaning or flowers etc.


We are pleased to have been granted the Silver Eco Church award but we continue to aspire to do more. Please take a look at our lifestyle hints on the pew sheet, on Facebook and on the page on this website, because any changes you can make in your lifestyle or your contribution to nature and biodiversity also counts towards our contribution.

Prayer lists

Please ask for prayers for anyone you know who is in need, including yourself. You can use the contact form on this website.

Guidance concerning funerals, weddings and christenings.

Please check with us about these services.

General notices

Our weekly Sunday notice sheet is normally available on the "New and Notices page". Please check there for up to date information. 


At present we are recommending that you make your donations at your local shop or other collecting point.

Data Protection

Details of the data protection policy are shown on the relevant page of this web site. 

This website includes a few photos and other information, as part of our attempt to convey what the Church is like and what we do. Most of the photographs are of current and former staff and members of the congregation. If you appear in a photograph and would prefer that the image were removed, please get in touch via the contact page.