2024 AppealThe Church of St George Tombland, NorwichThe last Quinquennial identified a number of issues with the fabric that needed attention since which we have also had to add the west window (badly buckled) and the organ (needing a full clean and some repairs). Excluding VAT the whole cost, based on estimates and firm quotes totalled £139000. We have done some work and together with monies raised so far or pledged, the total has reduced to £109000. We are now hoping to raise this sum via this appeal for donations, grant applications and various appeal activities.If you able to help you can use the following link : https://givealittle.co/c/7FHQBZrJMY0b99Ku5lIOjm or the QR code below to donate via “Give a Little’ to our account.A copy of the Appeal Leaflet giving more information is available on this websiteThank you