We'd love to hear from you
Rector: Fr Alaric Lewis, Telephone: 01603 663757; Email: st.george.alaric@gmail.com
Assistant Curate: Revd Annie Blyth, Telephone 01603 611870
Honorary Priest: Revd Maggie Diffey, Telephone: 01603 457248
Lay Minister (Reader): Kevin Mitchelson, Telephone 01953 601053; Email: kevinwmitchelson@aol.com
Lay Worship Assistant and webmaster/social media: Catherine Rowett, professor.catherine@gmail.com
John Brydon, Tel: 01603 452701, E-mail: johnmb@btinternet.com
Richard Norton, Tel: 01362 850262, E-mail: arrenne57@ymail.com
Parish Safeguarding Officer: Revd Maggie Diffey (see above).