Family Service - Alternating between A Service of the Word and Family Communion
- Occurring
- Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 20 mins
- Venue
- St Gabriel's Huyton Quarry
- Address
** NB During the pandemic, measures are in place to keep all present as safe as possible. This includes hand sanitisation on entry, air quality monitoring, Holy Communion distributed following the House of Bishops' Guidance namely intinction by the priest immediately prior to distribution **
Please worship from home if you are experiencing symptoms of covid whether or not the test result is positive.
At present our Sunday School called JAM is not operating however all our 10.30am services are designed for all ages and chidren and young people are very welcome
Family Service - Alternating between A Service of the Word and Family Communion
Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for 1 hour, 20 mins
Family Service - Alternating between A Service of the Word and Family Communion
Every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. for 1 hour, 20 mins