Please access the attached file to find out more.
Every 6th year, instead of revision, a completely new Roll has to be prepared. This year, 2025, a NEW Church Electoral Roll is being prepared. EVERY person who wishes to have their name entered on the new Roll, whether it is entered on the present Roll or not, is requested to apply for enrolment.The Roll is used to determine eligibility for attendance at and participation in the Annual Parochial Church Meeting and for election to the Parochial Church Council. Forms of application for enrolment can be obtained from the Parish Office or downloaded from this notice, completed electronically and then emailed back. Alternatively, application forms will be available in church.
We have eight bells at St Mary’s Gillingham, which are rung regularly.Bell practice is on Monday evenings from 7:30pm to 9pm. The bells are rung for the 10am Sunday morning Eucharist from 9:30am.We have a small friendly team of ringers, but need a few more people to join us.If you would like to learn to ring (age from about 11 or adult), why not come along to one of our practice sessions to see us ringing and find out what is involved?Bell ringing is good fun for people of all ages, as well as being a service to the church. And it’s excellent exercise!Possibly you are already able to ring and would like to take this up again and join us.If you are interested, please contact the Ringing Coordinator, Alan Jeffs, on