Sunday Morning Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
The Good Shepherd, Lee
29 Handen Road Lee Lewisham, SE12 8NR, United Kingdom

Our service is at 10.30am. Services and are led in an informal style, and we have Communion most weeks. We have Children's Church groups for children aged 4 to 11, a Creche Room for ore-school children, and a children's corner in church with toys and books. After services we have (good!) coffee and refreshments. Once every six weeks we have an 'all age' service where we all stay together for worship. Services include music led by a range of musicians and singers. Prayer for healing is offered at the Good Shepherd on the last Sunday of the month. You can also participate in our Sunday morning service via Zoom: Meeting ID: 859 5008 0070
Password: 1871

Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
The Good Shepherd, Lee
29 Handen Road Lee Lewisham, SE12 8NR, United Kingdom

An informal service of Morning Prayer which is open to all