Eucharist service

Every Wednesday at for 40 mins
St. Neots Parish Church - The Parish of St. Neots with Eynesbury
Church Street St. Neots Cambridge, PE19 2BU, United Kingdom

We hope you will join us for our Wednesday Eucharist service.
Under current circumstances, communion is only taken in one form (wafer delivered to the hand).
Face coverings are to be worn throughout the service and social distancing is observed. Family groups are to be seated together.

Eucharist service

Every Friday at for 45 mins
St. Neots Parish Church - The Parish of St. Neots with Eynesbury
Church Street St. Neots Cambridge, PE19 2BU, United Kingdom

A eucharist service in which communion is presented in bread form only during time of covid.

Traditional sung compline

Every Friday at for 30 mins
St. Neots Parish Church - The Parish of St. Neots with Eynesbury
Church Street St. Neots Cambridge, PE19 2BU, United Kingdom

Sung night prayer during Lent

Eucharist (Book of Common Prayer)

Every Sunday at for 30 mins
St. Neots Parish Church - The Parish of St. Neots with Eynesbury
Church Street St. Neots Cambridge, PE19 2BU, United Kingdom

You would be very welcome to join us at this 8am morning service which follows the Book of Common Prayer.

Face coverings are to be worn and social distancing is observed.

Sung/Family Eucharist, includes Little Saints Sunday School, every 2nd & 4th Sunday

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St. Neots Parish Church - The Parish of St. Neots with Eynesbury
Church Street St. Neots Cambridge, PE19 2BU, United Kingdom

We look forward to welcoming old and new friends to worship with us.

A sung Eucharist for all ages. Communion is currently offered in bread form only.
The children go out during the service for an activity as Little Saints Sunday School. Parents are welcome to stay in the service or join the children.

All Aboard - for all ages

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 45 mins
St. Neots Parish Church - The Parish of St. Neots with Eynesbury
Church Street St. Neots Cambridge, PE19 2BU, United Kingdom

A relaxed/family service with singing , craft, tea and cake/biscuits.
Everyone welcome with or without children.