We'd love to hear from you

Team Vicar:  Revd. Ruth Barr: 07447 458 526


Gill Peplow : 01727 825578

Rupert Lee:  01727 825578 

Safeguarding Officer: Lisa Large

tel: 01727 825578          email: [email protected] 

All other enquiries to the Parish Office: Tues & Wed 10am to 2pm

Lisa Large - Administrator:

tel: 01727 825578;  email: [email protected]

website: www.stmarysnorthmymms.org.uk

Send us a message

If your message is about safeguarding, please contact the safeguarding team for your area, rather than completing this form.

Say "hello"

Revd. Ruth Barr, 07447 458 526

St Mary's Church
North Mymms Park

All other enquiries to the Parish Office:

Administrator: Lisa Large
tel: 01727 825578
email: [email protected]

Revd. Ruth Barr, Team Vicar
01727 825578
Lisa Large, Parish Office Administrator
01727 825578

Our website