for 1 hour
Venue Address
Church Road Northwich, CW9 5PB, United Kingdom
A famil friendly service during which the characters from the Christmas Story are placed in the stable.
A way in amanger will be sung by candlelight.

St Helen's Northwich

Welcome to St Helen’s Northwich.

We’re a congregation striving to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ in our individual and corporate lives and also to play an active role in our local community.

We aspire to “Serve Christ and Serve the Community”

St Helen's has been at the heart of the community of Northwich for 650 years and we continue to strive to live out Christ’s love for our neighbours.

We welcome everyone regardless of age or background; whether you’re a regular visitor or not; whether you have a strong faith, or are just exploring; whether you’re on your own or with others; whether you want to come to chat, or just sit quietly.

We’re blessed with a beautiful building, that dates back to the 14th Century, where thousands of people have been baptised, married and had their funerals. We use our building beyond its original purpose as a worship space to be a place to offer hospitality and to hold social events that both serve the church and the community.

St Helen’s takes its duty and obligation to protect all extremely seriously. We have adopted the national Church of England's robust procedures and guidelines. 

Contact details for the Chester Diocesan Vulnerability and Safeguarding Officer and further information about these policies can be found on the Diocese of Chester safeguarding webpages at https://www.chester.anglican.org/social-responsibility/safeguarding/

Contact details for our Parish Safeguarding Officer are displayed in church.

Get in touch

Rev Andrew Ridley

The Vicarage
61 Church Road,

What's on

Crib Service

for 1 hour
St Helen's Northwich
Church Road Northwich, CW9 5PB, United Kingdom

A famil friendly service during which the characters from the Christmas Story are placed in the stable.
A way in amanger will be sung by candlelight.


Our church has adopted the Church of England’s safeguarding policies and good practice guidance. Further information about these policies can be found on the Diocese of Chester safeguarding webpages (link below).

To contact the Chester Diocesan Safeguarding team, email [email protected] or telephone 01928 643442. For out-of-hours safeguarding advice, the Diocese partners with Thirtyone:eight and you can contact them on 0303 003 1111. An Information Sharing Agreement between the two organisations will allow the Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser to receive a copy of the advice Thirtyone:eight may offer.

You can contact our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Lesley Moss, at [email protected]

Local Authority Social Services
Adult Social Care 0300 123 7034
Children's Social Care 0300 123 7047
Out of hours number 01244 977277

Childline – 0800 11 11 – free to call, 24 hours a day
Parent Line – 0808 800 2222
National Domestic Violence Helpline – 0808 2000 247 – free to call, 24 hours a day
Samaritans Helpline – 116 123 – 24 hours a day
Action on Elder Abuse Helpline – 0808 808 8141 – free to call, Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm

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