About Us

About Us

St George’s Hanworth is a traditional Anglo-catholic parish dedicated to making the Love of Christ known through excellence of worship and active care and concern for others.

What are our services like?

Our church services are traditional in style, and are enhanced by carefully planned liturgy, beautiful music, art and visual splendour, all of which help us to pray, to worship, and to express the joy and beauty of the gospel message more fully.

The 10am parish mass is on Sunday mornings, and could be described as joyful, friendly, exciting, cheerful, and uplifiting.

What are the people like?

You will find a friendly and caring community of people. We have a busy schedule of social events - summer and Christmas fairs, summer BBQ, river trips, coffee mornings, and the monthly Mens' Club. We have several parish outings and pilgrimages each year and day trips to country houses and antique fairs.

Your are very welcome to join in our generous hospitality.