St Mary achieves Eco Church Silver Award

Early in 2024, we registered with the Eco Church scheme and completed the Eco survey to better understand what we are doing well already and where we can improve further. With a few quick wins, we were able to achieve the Bronze Award in April. Hopefully you have seen the further improvements across the 5 areas of

1. Worship + Teaching – Creation services, prayers

2. Buildings - Energy conservation / usage, recycling

3. Land – Land management , wild flowers and mowing policy, bird boxes / bird feeders

4. Community & Global Engagement – Repair Café / litter pick on prayer walks

5. Lifestyle – Fairtrade Church

By taking these actions we have now been awarded a Silver Award In September 2024.

This is an amazing achievement but we are keen to take even better care of nature and engage with the whole community to raise awareness. We welcome help from any members of the congregation or wider community to join us on the journey.