East Norton: All Saints

The church at East Norton is dedicated to ALL SAINTS and is a grade II* listed building mostly of 13th century construction. There is small west tower of three stages with a recessed spire which was added in the fourteenth century. On the North wall hangs an engraving showing the church in 1793. This same picture features in 'A History and Antiquities of Leicestershire' by John Nichols (volume three part one),compiled between 1795 and 1815. 

We welcome visitors to All Saints East Norton at any time, but especially to our services and events. Our church building is not big, at one time a chapelry of Tugby. We are now an independent parish. 

Our church building is small, but just the right size for the village. 

East Norton is a ‘Thankful Village’ having lost none of it’s residents in WW1. There is a thanksgiving window for the safe return of all the men.

Get in touch

John Dyson

What's on

Sunday 6th April 09:30 am Holy Communion service

for 1 hour
East Norton: All Saints
Church Lane East Norton Leicester, LE7 9XA, United Kingdom

Come and join us for our regular service of Holy Communion, held on the 1st Sunday of each month!

H W L Newsletter 27.03.25.pdf

We have a weekly newsletter which gives details of all that is happening around our churches.


The parish of East Norton: All Saints is committed to Safeguarding and has adopted the National and Diocesan Safeguarding policies. Our Safeguarding Coordinator is Andrea Beddows who can be contacted on tel 0116 2598166 or by e-mail [email protected].

For more information please click the Safeguarding tab on this website.

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