Who is St Barnabas? His real name is Joseph, a Levite, born in Cyprus who sold a field he owned, and brought the money to the apostles." (Acts 4:36). The apostles called him Barnabas (son of encouragement). He is an early Christian who was instrumental in the growth and nurturing of the Church.

St Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement, was responsible for helping to establish the Early Church and brought many people to faith in Christ.

St. Barnabas is a living example of what our Lord Jesus calls every Christian to do. He was one of the chief encouragers of Saul who later became St. Paul. When Saul (or Paul) came to Jerusalem after his conversion, most of the disciples there were afraid of him and wanted nothing to do with him. Saul was known as a persecutor and an enemy of the Church, but Barnabas was willing to give him a second chance. He looked him up, spoke with him, and brought him to see the other disciples, vouching for him. Because of Barnabas’ courageous and encouraging interventions, Paul was able to become the greatest missionary in the history of the Church. It was Barnabas who was the catalyst for bringing Paul out of obscurity. He vouched for him with the leaders and members of the Church who didn’t trust him because of his murderous past, and he launched him on the trajectory that led to his founding of so many Churches across the ancient world.

Later, Paul and Barnabas went on a missionary journey together, taking Mark with them. Part way, Mark turned back and went home. When Paul and Barnabas were about to set out on another such journey, Barnabas proposed to take Mark along, and Paul was against it, saying that Mark had shown himself undependable. Barnabas wanted to give Mark a second chance, and so he and Mark went off on one journey, while Paul took Silas and went on another. Apparently, Mark responded well to the trust given him by Barnabas the "son of encouragement," since we find that Paul later speaks of him as a valuable assistant or co-worker (2 Timothy 4:11; Colossians 4:10 and Philemon 24).

Tradition says that Barnabas preached in Alexandria and Rome, and was stoned to death at Salamis about 61 AD. He is considered the founder of the Cypriot Church.