About Us

St Mary's Wivenhoe is a vibrant and growing church with a variety of services to suit all. There is a children's Sunday club that is held weekly at the same time as the morning service - except on the first Sunday of each month, when we have All Together church for adults and children together.
Signing (BSL) during services is available on request - contact the Rector via the church website.

The church has a rich music tradition, with a small choir for Sunday services and an augmented choir for concerts. The musical director is also St Mary's permanent organist. Visiting musicians regularly perform at the church.

Wivenhoe St Mary's Music Society regularly puts on concerts in the church and the Friends of St Mary's (FOSM) help towards the financial upkeep of the church building through the sale of branded merchandise.

The church enjoys warm relations with the community of Wivenhoe. It supports many and various community events and its own many social events are well supported locally.

We are within walking distance of the University of Essex (30 mins).