Morning Prayer

Every day at for 30 mins
Witham: St Nicolas
Chipping Hill Witham Chelmsford, CM8 2JS, United Kingdom

Prayer to begin the day, Every weekday Morning Prayer is said in the Lady Chapel at 9am. We use Common Worship Daily Office: there's an app or this and we also have hard-copy books. If not sure what all this means or what to expect, just come along and we'll guide you. Or just be held in prayer


Every Monday at for 1 hour
Witham: St Nicolas
Chipping Hill Witham Chelmsford, CM8 2JS, United Kingdom

We begin with a simple service for pre school age and their carers in church at 10:30am. It has a regular and familiar pattern of songs, which really help the children's sense of belonging. Followed by play and refreshments in the church hall. And we now have attached a card for the themes of this term and when we're having a break (eg for Bank Holidays or Summer Holidays)

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Term Time Only

Evening Prayer

Every day at for 30 mins
Witham: St Nicolas
Chipping Hill Witham Chelmsford, CM8 2JS, United Kingdom

Prayer at the end of the afternoon (or beginning of the evening.) Daily prayer on weekdays at 5pm using Common Worship Daily Office. (It's on an app as well as Prayer Books.) Though on Wednesday's we're in Terling parish church at 5pm) . Join us in prayer about things that have been happening in the day,

Holy Communion with Ashing

for 1 hour
Witham: St Nicolas
Chipping Hill Witham Chelmsford, CM8 2JS, United Kingdom

Ash Wednesday. A Service of Holy Communion during which our foreheads are marked in ash with a cross. In this simple act we are reminded of our mortality and our need of Christ. For more than a thousand years the people of Witham have come to our parish church on Ash Wednesday for ashing. Its a solemn and serious service; and deeply moving.

(The words for our act of penitence come from the Iona community.)

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent, the season when we prepare ourselves for our yearly remembrance of Jesus' last days. Palm Sunday: his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, riding on a Donkey. Maundy Thursday: his last meal with his closest followers. His betrayal. Good Friday, the Crucifixion: condemned and executed on a Cross. Holy Saturday: the in-between time. Easter hope: resurrection, Jesus raised from the dead.

Traditionally, in Lent we give something up eg meat, eggs, dairy (Fasting). Take something up eg prayer . Commit to learn more about God, Jesus and ourselves (eg in Lent Groups, reading a Lent Book.) And respond well to people who struggle with life (there is always been a commitment to the poor in the Gospel).

Holy Communion

Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Last Sunday at for 1 hour
Witham: St Nicolas
Chipping Hill Witham Chelmsford, CM8 2JS, United Kingdom

Holy Communion every week at 9.30am using Common Worship (in modern language). Hymns, readings, sermon and prayer and robed choir (a good choral tradition supports our worship.) and sharing the bread and wine of communion.

Sung Evensong

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Nicolas Church
St Nicolas Church, Chipping Hill, CM8 2JS

Book of Common Prayer Evensong. A timeless service from the old prayer book using, traditional language. We have a really good parish choir singing an Anthem every week - and everyone joins in with hymns and the responses. There's good preaching too. Evensong is one of the treasures of Anglicanism. Join us for this glorious traditional service!

Benefice Choral Evensong

Monthly. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Witham: St Nicolas
Chipping Hill Witham Chelmsford, CM8 2JS, United Kingdom

Choral Evensong and Sung Evensong? Aren't they the same thing? Generally, the music for Choral Evensong is more complex. At Sung Evensong we all sing everything apart from the Anthem - which the choir sings. At Choral Evensong the choir sings everything apart from the hymns - which we all sing ! It's a lovely service to come to, the sacred music is beautiful, and I find it deepens my experience of worshipping God.

Do you live in Witham or its surrounding villages? You might like to sing in a church choir but can't commit to it every week. So be part of a good choir once a month! We rehearse from 5:00pm for the service at 6:00pm. Interested? Do get in touch.

All-Age Communion

Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Witham: St Nicolas
Witham: St Nicolas, Chipping Hill Witham Chelmsford, CM82JS, United Kingdom

On the First Sunday of each month we hold an All-Age Communion Service - for older and younger, men, woman and children. We bring the altar to the front of our mediaeval Rood Screen. Common Worship (in modern language) Bible reading often from the Contemporary English Version, a more interactive sermon, hymns, prayer and the choir. Come and join us. (Also live-streamed at