Parish ministry in the Church of England is mainly supported by voluntary activity and voluntary donations. In the Diocese of Southwark, parishes generally cover their own running and maintenance costs and contribute to a 'Parish Support Fund', which provides a modest income for stipended clergy. Many Church of England priests are now self-supporting, but this generally means that they are engaged in their other work during the week, so there is still an important place for men and women who can focus exclusively on their church role. 

None of us like talking about money, especially in connection with religious faith, but our ability to provide services - whether worship services or the other services we provide, such as senior citizens' groups, warm spaces or youth activities - absolutely depends on being able to maintain the church buildings and their facilities to an acceptable and legal standard, to pay when necessary for properly qualified professional support and assistance, and to provide adequate heating and lighting. None of this has ever been cheap.     

Regular members at St Nicholas's contribute in different ways, for example through weekly cash collections or by standing orders through their banks. Online donations, both one-off and recurring,  can be made through the 'Donate' button on our home page; however, the online platform makes a small charge for processing such payments, and it is therefore better for regular donations to be made by standing order to our bank account:


Sort code:   60-23-27 

Account number: 35069678

We would also ask those who are tax payers to complete a Gift Aid Declaration, which allows us to reclaim the tax that would have been charged on your donation. For online donations, the declaration can also be made online; for other donations, please download the form attached below and return it to the church.

Gift Aid Declaration, DOCX
