Facilities and features


Modern facilities, including an accessible toilet, are available in the hall adjoining the church.

Available in the accessible toilet.

Please park behind the church hall rather than along the road at the side of the church where there are houses. There is usually space to park on Whetstone Road as well, but again, please be considerate of our neighbours.

There is a spacious accessible toilet just inside the hall door.

On Sundays or at busy events, please leave the small parking area in front of the church for those with more limited mobility.

Portable ramps are available for access into the church or the hall. Within the church, built-in ramps can be unfolded to lead from the pews to the altar rail.

Hearing (induction) Loop

Access doors to both the church and the hall are double, and portable ramps are kept just inside them. Within the church, built-in ramps can be opened up to allow step-free access to the sanctuary and through the internal doors to the hall.

Our Building

Music and Worship

St Nicholas's is pleased to house a single-manual Bevington organ which formerly belonged to the Anglican congregation in the Royal Herbert Hospital chapel. It has been suggested that Florence Nightingale may have played it there, as she was closely associated with that hospital and a proficient musician. The organ seems to have been built without pedals and the pedal board, permanently coupled to the keyboard, is presumed to have been added in the late 1970s, when the instrument was moved to St Nicholas's. Despite its small size, it is admirably suited both to leading congregational singing and to quiet accompaniment. (See National Pipe Organ Register: T00413.)

Groups, Courses and Activities

Youth Group

Help for Visitors

Other Features

Our hall is available for hire. Please contact Linda Peppiatt on 07905 609944 or [email protected]