The Live-stream of Sunday services will be available from 10:00am at:
This is a public page, therefore you should not need a Facebook account to watch the stream! We look forward to seeing you on the internet shortly.
St Mary's is a grade II listed building, built in 1862 at the request of Arthur Pryor of the Hylands Estate, to which St Mary's stands as a gateway.
We have a traditional but relaxed and friendly service at 9:30am each week. The service lasts roughly 90 minutes and we enjoy catching up with each other over refreshments afterwards.
Our Parish Mission Statement prayer is:
Loving Heavenly Father,
Please help us to grow to be more like Jesus.
We want to get to know Christ together
by loving one another, serving others
and being at the heart of our community.
Lord Jesus, please encourage us on our way. Amen
St Mary's Church, Widford Charity No. 1128307