11.00 AM Service

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Wickford: St Catherine
Southend Road Wickford, SS11 8DZ, United Kingdom

Our Services at 11.00 am are most regularly a Eucharist but there is Matins every third Sunday and an All-Age Service on the second Sunday in each month.

The Church gathers primarily for worship, to celebrate all that God is and all that God has done, to be drawn into the life of the Trinity: the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We offer God songs and words of praise in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs. We attend to God’s words in Scripture. We gather around the table of the Lord in the Holy Communion. We offer prayers for our own needs and the needs of the world. When we do this we join our prayers – thin and weak as they often are – with the great hymn of praise of the Church in both earth and heaven, in time and in eternity.

The Eucharist or Holy Communion is celebrated by the whole people of God gathered for worship. The ministry of the members of the congregation is expressed through their active participation together in the words and actions of the service, but also by some of them reading the Scripture passages, leading the prayers of intercession, and, if authorized, assisting with the distribution of communion.

Lent Course 2025 - On A Journey

Every Tuesday and Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Wickford: St Catherine

A five week course looking at journeys in the Bible. We are offering this course the week commencing 10th March. If you are interested in attending please let us know your preferences in order (1,2,3) and you will be allocated to a group. The options are Tuesdays at 7.30 pm, Thursdays at 2.00 pm, and Thursdays at 7.30 pm. If you are prepared to host a group please also let us know. Do you have any special requirements that need to be considered? Please let a member of the ministry team know.

Morning Prayer

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
Wickford: St Catherine
Southend Road Wickford, SS11 8DZ, United Kingdom

Join us in a Service of Morning Prayer. See https://www.churchofengland.org/prayer-and-worship/join-us-service-daily-prayer for the Order of Service.

Toddler Group

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
Wickford: St Catherine
Southend Road Wickford, SS11 8DZ, United Kingdom

Do you have a tired, frazzled someone who needs a chair to sit on and some adult company???
So, come and see us at 120 Southend Road, Wickford, in the Church hall for a warm place they can chat!
Thursdays, anytime between 11.30 - 13.30!
Oh, and there's gonna be toys for you too, friends to play with and maybe a biscuit if You're allowed!.....
Oh and whoever you bring can have tea or coffee and a biscuit too!!
P.S. you are allowed to bring your lunch too! (no nuts and no sharing)
For more information email Beth on [email protected]

Coffee Morning

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 3 hours
Wickford: St Catherine
Southend Road Wickford, SS11 8DZ, United Kingdom

Cakes, refreshments, and fellowship. On special occasions with stalls, raffle and tombola included.

Saturday Solace

Monthly. Every First Saturday at for 1 hour
Wickford: St Catherine
Southend Road Wickford, SS11 8DZ, United Kingdom

In need of rest & renewal?

Find out about & experience Christian Mindfulness by joining us at during the Coffee Morning at St Catherine’s Wickford on the first Saturday in the month (9.30 am to 12 noon) & also at one of our regular 10-minute reflection & Christian mindfulness sessions between 10.00 am & 12 noon at St Andrew’s Wickford on the second Saturday in each month.

Christingle Services

Tuesday 24 December 2024 at for 45 mins
Wickford: St Catherine
Southend Road Wickford, SS11 8DZ, United Kingdom

Christingle Service 2pm, 3pm, 4pm in St Catherine’s.