Little Fishes


Friday 10am - 11.30 in Term Time

Look! Little Fishes Term Dates 2019 - 2020

For your information, the term dates are as follows:

AutumnTerm; 4th September - 19th December Half term, 24th Oct - 3rd November

Spring Term;6th January - 3rd April (half term 14th February )

Summer Term; 20th April - 17th July (half term 22nd May)

Venue: All Saints Parish Church Hall

Martello Road, Walton

Babies and pre-school toddlers

with Parents or Grandparents

Little Fishes toddler group continues to run every Friday morning in term time, from 10 am till 11.30 in the Parish Church Hall, Martello Road Walton. We are welcoming young Mums with their babies and toddlers who come for fellowship and friendship with each other and our friendly team.

It is a warm and gentle atmosphere for small children - why don't you come and join us? Toys, songs, craft and drinks and biscuits each time and it is only 50p per morning.

If you need to drive to us, we have parking permits available so you don't have to pay in the car park - please just ask when you arrive.

for more information ring Caroline on 01255 678857 or