About Us
St Gabriel's is on Havant Road off Wood Street in Walthamstow.
We are a friendly welcoming church with a heart to extend hospitality to all, and our vision is to be a place of prayer and faithful service to God and a blessing to our community.
Our main service is on Sunday at 10.30.a.m. We have our mid-week parish communion service every Wednesday at 10.00 a.m.
During the week the St Gabriel's Life Group meets every Wednesday evening from 7pm. We are currently exploring the Christian life by following the Pilgrim Course.
The Wednesday Hub runs from 11am-1pm every Wednesday – come along for a time of fellowship and relaxation. There is a different activity every week with the opportunity to keep mentally, physically and spiritually fit with creative activities, discussion and some gentle exercise for all ability levels as well as space for quiet time and prayer.
We also run a Stay and Play Group for under 5's and their Parents and Carers on Tuesdays between 9.30 and 11.30 am.
For our latest news and information, follow us on social media at facebook.com/StGabrielsE17.