Church Flowers / Flower Rota

Church Flowers

We operate a rota system with a number of volunteers, who give their time, normally no more than twice a year, in supplying and arranging the altar display. They generally all `get together' for the church regular festivals, Easter, Harvest Festival, Christmas and the bi-annual flower festival where they assemble on the Saturday before the event en masse to decorate the church and have a good natter !! .

If you haven't attended you will be surprised at the skill and artistry and enjoyment they have on these occasions.

Although we have an extensive number on the rota, new volunteers are always welcome, to spread the load and reduce the costs.

Wedding flowers are at the expense and supply of the Bride and Groom, but often include that weeks `arranger' as often the altar flowers are left in the church by the family.


The months flower rota is printed in the Parish Magazine .

No flowers are displayed during Lent, and Remembrance Sunday is always arranged by a particular member

On communal dates greenery from your garden is always helpful.

St Peter’s Church Flower Rota August 2024 to January 2025, PDF
