Facilities and features


There is a toilet in the church, but unfortately it is not disabled friendly due to the age of this ancient bullding

Baby Changing Facilities
Bike rack

Parking is outside the church. Additional parking is available close by on the Bury in front of the Priory

Unfortunately, being an old building our toilet is not disabled friendly

Parking is very limited immediately outside the church. There are double yellow lines on which you may park in if are a blue badge holder.

The nearest defibrillator is located on the south outside wall of the Kings Arms public house by the entrance to their car park

No. Please see our wheelchair access details

Hearing (induction) Loop
Large Print
Assistance Dogs

We do have access through the south door via a wheelchair friendly path, but in common with most historic buildings it is not perfect and the door is unfortunately only 25″/64cm wide.
Ramps allow access to the Chancel so please come and explore.
The main entrance has two steps down into the porch and another step into the Church.

Our Building

The church is open most days from around 9am for visitors (24hr CCTV in operation).

Stained Glass

Grade 1

Music and Worship

Training for new ringers is available. Please see our main website

See our main website for updates

Book of Common Prayer Services
Regular Choir

Groups, Courses and Activities

Bible study

Saturday Morning Pop-In from 10-11.30am

Keep an eye on our website especially for our Summer and Christmas Fayres and other events

Help for Visitors

Every day from 9am

Other Features

We are a collection point for the Clacton Foodbank run by the Salvation Army.

Hearing Loop

The church is situated in the conservation area in the village centre. Our building is one of over 100 Grade 1 & 2 listings within the parish, including St. Osyth Priory just across the road.