About Us

Part of the Benefice of St. Osyth and Great Bentley, SS Peter & Paul Church is open to visitors every day and we welcome worshippers and visitors to our church from the local community, the UK and the rest of the world. You are most welcome to come and enjoy its peace and tranquillity as well as to explore the fabric of this ancient building.

The church is of great historical interest and has at its heart the Christian faith. A Church has stood on this site for at least 900 years, built by dedicated Christians with modifications over the centuries. It is now a large, Grade 1, listed building - one of the finest in Essex. A Saxon church existed when the present church was started about the same time as the Priory/Abbey. This Norman church, started 1118 by Bishop Belmeis, was consecrated in 1170.The history of the church runs in parallel with that of St Osyth Priory. A guide to the building, produced by the Friends of the Church, is available at the back of the church. You find out more by visiting our website, www.stosythparishchurch.co.uk.via the link below.

Although the building is generally open throughout the day for all to visit and appreciate its splendour our Church is principally a house of prayer and praise where for many generations the people of the Parish of St. Osyth have worshipped God; met our Lord Jesus Christ; have grown in faith and then engaged in His mission. Guided tours for parties can be arranged. Please contact the Vicar in the first instance.

If you are visiting on a Saturday, call in between 10am and 11.30am you can take advantage of refreshments at our ‘Pop-In’ in the church room.

Prayer and worship lies at the heart of our church family. We have a variety of traditional & Common Worship services. We have a midweek Said Communion at 10am on Thursdays, and on Sundays an 8am Said Communion (KJV on the 1st Sunday) with our main service at 11am after which light refreshments are offered in the Church Room, when all are welcome to stay for a time of fellowship. On fifth Sundays we have a joint benifice service at either this church or St. Mary's, Great Bentley. Please check the location with us beforehand if you intend to come along.

Our children are very important to us and we offer a Sunday Club led by a dedicated leader. The Club meets most Sundays at 11am in the church room, except on special Sundays such as Palm, Easter, Harvest or Remembrance Day etc.    

Music plays a very important part in the life and worship of our church and we are fortunate to have a very active choir. We have occasional concerts as well as other musical events. See our website. 

Our enthusiastic Ringers ring most Sundays and on special occasions including weddings of course. Our Tower Captain offers training for new ringers. Visiting ringers are welcome. 

We have regular a Bible Study Group as well as many social and charity fund-raising events during the year.

Our award-winning parish magazine, St. Osyth Life is published monthly and distributed through the parish. Copies are available from the Church.