Facilities and features


Toilets are available in our Church Centre.

Available in our disabled toilet.

A bike rack is available for use near the original entrance to our Church Centre.

We have a small car park available for Church and Church Centre users.

An accessible disabled toilet is available in our Church Centre.

We have one dedicated disabled spot which is adjacent to the entrance of our Church Centre.

Ramped access can be accessed near the side door to the Church.

A hearing loop is in operation.

Large print copies of 'Trinity News' and the weeks song sheet are available.

Assistance Dogs

We have a permanent ramp to ensure our main Church building is accessible to wheelchair users and there is additionally an internal ramp to allow wheelchair users to easily come up for communion (have access to the chancel).

Our Building

Most of our stained glass windows were blown out during the war but the large window in the sanctuary area remain fully in tact and beautiful.

This is something the congregation is working towards!

Our main church building is Grade II listed.

Music and Worship

Concerts / Live Music

The organ was built by Messrs. H. Willis & Sons in 1858. It consists of two complete Manuals from C to G (56 notes) and two octaves and a half of radiating and concave Pedals, from CCC to F (30 notes).

The swell contains :-
Open Diapason...8 feet
Gemshorn...4 feet
Cornopean...8 feet

The great organ consist of :-
Open Diapason...8 feet
Dulciana...8 feet
Claribel Flute...8 feet
Principal...4 feet
Fifteenth....2 feet

Pedale :-
Bourdon...16 feet

Couplers :-
Swell to Great Organ
Swell to Pedals
Great to Pedals

Composition Pedals :-
Two to Great Organ Stops.

Book of Common Prayer Services

Our worship each week is led by our worship band and incorporates a mix of styles from traditional hymns, to children's favourites to contemporary worship songs. We also use music played in if our worship band is unavailable.

Groups, Courses and Activities



5th Springfield Brownies meet weekly during term-time in our Church Centre.

This course is run on a regular basis providing we have enough interest. If you would like to take part in the next then please get in touch.

We run our annual Holiday Club each October half-term. Please check our website for more information and details of how to register.




Help for Visitors

There is access to our church during 'Church Office' opening hours, Monday to Friday, 10am-1pm.

Other Features


Our service is projected onto a large screen and we also have a hearing loop in operation.
