Facilities and features



Available in the Church Hall within Accessible Toilet

There are no parking restrictions and it is quiet easy to park in the roads around St. Saviour's - But please do not park across any resident's driveways

A fully fitted Accessible Toilet is located within our Church Hall

Main Church entrance is level access for wheelchairs and mobility scooters

Both the main church and the Lady Chapel are fitted with induction loop systems.

We have copies of large print service booklets and also hymn sheets

Our Building

We consider ourselves to be an Eco Aware Church and run a re-cycling scheme for batteries, stamps, glasses, mobile phones etc.

Music and Worship

Our Main Church has very good acoustics and is used by a number of local choirs and wind orchestra for staging concerts

We have a fully functioning Pipe Organ which is used for all main services

Book of Common Prayer Services are held every SECOND and FOURTH Sunday at 8.00am.

We have a small regular choir who assist at 10.00am Sunday Service.
There is also St. Saviour's Community Choir who meet for the first four Tuesday's each month - In the main church between 2.00 and 4.00pm

Groups, Courses and Activities

We hold a Church Cafe every Thursday morning between 10.30 and 12.00 noon

Help for Visitors

As well as advertised service times the church is open for our Church Cafe every Thursday morning between 10.30am and 12 noon

Other Features

We are associated with our local Foodbank and have a regular collection box to which the congregation donate items regularly

All of our hymns are projected onto a large screen to save thumbing through various hymn books. We do produce enlarged copies of the words each week for those who may be visually impaired

Our Church Hall is spacious and well decorated with stage facilities, sound system and an adequate kitchen. An All Access Toilet with Baby Changing Facilities is also available.