Silent Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Exposition of the be Blessed Sacrament. Join us in church for half hour of silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. A time to worship, to intercede and to enter into God's presence. An opportunity to pray together in adoration of Jesus present in the Sacrament.

Angelus (Memorial of the Incarnation)

Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday at for 5 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

We sing (or say) the words of the Angelus recalling the momentous moment when the angel brought to Mary the news that she was chosen to bear God's son, Jesus Christ our Lord. And Mary said, "yes"! These words are at the heart of our faith because they help to remind us that Jesus is God and that God loved us so much that he would come to live with us.

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Evening Prayer (in church and via Zoom)

Every Wednesday and Thursday at for 20 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea, ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Join us for Evening Prayer in church or via Zoom. We wil pray using the Universalis app available to download on your phone. Books available in church. If you would like to have the Zoom code please get in touch.

Morning Prayer (in Church or via Zoom)

Every Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at for 30 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea, ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

We will be praying Morning Prayer in church and via Zoom. Please get in touch for the login details if you are joining via Zoom. We will pray using the Common Worship app available online or on your phone. Books available in church.

Mass (in Church and Livestreamed)

Every Thursday at for 30 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Join us on Facebook Live or in church for our lunchtime Mass.

Morning Prayer (in Church or via Zoom)

Every Saturday and Sunday at for 30 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea, ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

We will be praying Morning Prayer in church and via Zoom. Please get in touch for the login details if you are joining via Zoom. We will pray using the Common Worship app available online or on your phone. Books available in church.

Mass (in Church and Livestreamed)

Every Saturday at for 30 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Join us for our Saturday morning Mass on Facebook Live or in church.

Stations of the Cross

Every Saturday at for 45 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

We will follow the Stations of the Cross singing and praying as we contemplate the different stages of Christ's Good Friday journey to the Crucifixion.

Church open for Private Prayer

Every Saturday at for 1 hour
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

We are pleased to welcome people into church for private prayer. Say a prayer, light a candle or just pause a while.

Silent Prayer before the Blessed Sacrament

Every Saturday at for 30 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Exposition of the be Blessed Sacrament. Join us in church for half hour of silent, private prayer before the Blessed Sacrament. A time to worship, to intercede and to enter into God's presence. An opportunity to pray in adoration of Jesus present in the Sacrament.

Sung Mass (in Church and Livestreamed)

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Join us in church or on Facebook Live for our Parish Mass on Sunday.

Morning Prayer (in Saint Mark's church and via Zoom)

Every Monday at for 30 mins
Saint Mark's Church
Saint Mark's Church, Hamlet Road, Southend-on-Sea, Essex, SS1 1QA, United Kingdom

On Mondays we meet in Saint Mark's church or on Zoom. If you would like to join us via Zoom get in touch for the login details. We will pray using the Common Worship app available online or on your phone.

Mass (in Church and Livestreamed)

Every Monday at for 30 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea, ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Join us on Facebook Live or in church for our Monday lunchtime Mass.

Evening Prayer (in church and via Zoom)

Every Monday at for 20 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea, ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Join us for Evening Prayer in church or via Zoom. We wil pray using the Universalis app available to download on your phone. Books available in church. If you would like to have the Zoom code please get in touch.

Alban's Allsorts - a group for toddlers and their carers

Every Tuesday at for 2 hours
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Alban's Allsorts - a group for Toddlers (0-4 years) and their Carers in the Church! Soft Play, toys, and coffee. £1 per family or £1 per child for childminders. All welcome.

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Last session before Christmas on Tuesday 17th December. Re-starts Tuesday 7 January.

Evening Prayer (in church and via Zoom)

Every Tuesday at for 20 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea, ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Join us for Evening Prayer in church or via Zoom. We wil pray using the Universalis app available to download on your phone. Books available in church. If you would like to have the Zoom code please get in touch.

Evening Mass (in church and livestreamed)

Every Tuesday at for 30 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea, ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Join us for our midweek evening Mass in church or on Facebook Live.

Lent Supper and Discussion

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 20 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

A simple, hot evening meal with some conversation. This year we will be exploring the Bible: what it is, how it was given to us and how we should read it. If you are interested in coming please let us know so that we have numbers.

Mass (in Church and Livestreamed)

Every Wednesday at for 30 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Join us in church or on Facebook Live for our midweek Mass.

Church open for Private Prayer

Every Wednesday at for 2 hours
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

We are pleased to welcome people into church again for private prayer. Say a prayer, light a candle or just pause a while. Anyone who is vulnerable is strongly advised to remain at home at this time.

Bereavement Group

Monthly. Every Third Thursday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Have you recently lost a loved one? A new group that will be a safe space for people to come together once a month to talk and share their experiences of bereavement and grief.
This will take place on the 3rd Thursday of the month - coffee and tea provided.

Music Rehearsal in Church

for 2 hours, 30 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

The church is in use for a concert rehearsal.

Healing Ministry

Monthly. Every Last Saturday at for 30 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea, ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

An opportunity to receive ministry for healing in church through prayers with the laying-on of hands and through the sacrament of anointing with holy oil for the sick.

Passion and Glory : Music for Good Friday and Easter with Gaudeamus Choir

for 2 hours
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

We are pleased to welcome back the Gaudeamus Choir for a concert to include:
Rheinberger- Stabat Mater
Schutz- Seven Last Words
Monteverdi- Gloria
Bach- Singet dem Herrn

Tickets are £15 from TicketSource or

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Children's Mass

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 30 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Join us in church for a simple half-hour Mass specially designed for young children.

Southend Festival Chorus Concert

for 3 hours
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

Join us for a concert by the Southend Festival Chorus. Programme to be arranged.