These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Stations of the Cross

Every Saturday at for 45 mins
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

We will follow the Stations of the Cross singing and praying as we contemplate the different stages of Christ's Good Friday journey to the Crucifixion.

Lent Supper and Discussion

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour, 20 mins
Please note that this event will not be taking place between and
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

A simple, hot evening meal with some conversation. This year we will be exploring the Bible: what it is, how it was given to us and how we should read it. If you are interested in coming please let us know so that we have numbers.

Passion and Glory : Music for Good Friday and Easter with Gaudeamus Choir

for 2 hours
Saint Alban the Martyr, Westcliff-on-Sea
ST JOHNS ROAD Westcliff-on-Sea Essex SS0 7JZ, SS0 7JZ, United Kingdom

We are pleased to welcome back the Gaudeamus Choir for a concert to include:
Rheinberger- Stabat Mater
Schutz- Seven Last Words
Monteverdi- Gloria
Bach- Singet dem Herrn

Tickets are £15 from TicketSource or

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