Lent at Saint Alban's

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Lent Church_news

8.10pm Lent Supper and Course at the Vicarage (except 25 March) - please let us know if you plan to attend.

10.50am Stations of the Cross (in church)
1-2pm Confessions (in church ) or by appointment

Lent is a good time to think about making your Confession (Sacrament of Reconciliation) and Fr Neil will be available in church most Saturdays in Lent from 1-2pm or by appointment or you can make an appointment with Mthr Lizzy or Mthr Susan. If you have never made your Confession before we can have a conversation first about what it might involve and how to prepare for it.

Stations of the Cross during Lent following on from the Saturday Mass at about 10.50am. This short act of worship follows the Way of the Cross around church with hymns, prayers and readings.

Like last year we will have Lent Suppers again at the Vicarage starting Tuesday 11 March. Gathering at about 8.10pm after the 7.30pm Mass and finishing by about 9.30pm. A simple, hot evening meal with some conversation. This year we will be exploring the Bible: what it is, how it was given to us and how we should read it.    Please sign the list at the back of church if you would like to attend (or drop us an email).