Children & Youth at Christ Church
- Occurring
- Every Monday, Thursday, Sunday at for 15 mins
- Venue
- Christ Church, Southend
- Address 56 Colbert Avenue Southend-on-Sea SS1 3BP, SS1 3BP, United Kingdom
We love having so many children at Christ Church, and they are at the heart of who we are as a church.
We have a number of regular groups and events for children and youth aged 0-18.
All of the groups below take place at Christ Church.
Sunday Kids Church, 10.30am
Each Sunday, during our 10.30am service, we have a number of age-specific groups for children and youth aged 0-14.
Monday Toddler Group, 9.30am - 11.00am
Christ Church Tots takes place every Monday during term time for pre-school children and their carers. There is a small charge of £1 per adult and 50p per child. Everyone welcome!
Thursday Youth Club
Youth Club for 9-14 year olds takes place every Thursday during term time, 6.30pm-8.00pm
Revitalise Youth Nights
Along with St John’s Southend and St Michael’s Westcliff, we host a termly city-wide youth night. Keep an eye on the What’s On page for our next event.
Special Events/Clubs
We hold regular special events and clubs for children and youth - visit the What’s On page to see what’s coming up.