Mid Week Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Francis
St Francis' Church, 84 Balcombe Road Horley, RH6 9AY, United Kingdom

Quiet and reflective Service

St Francis

Whether you are a regular worshiper, new to the faith or exploring faith, it may be the the first time visiting St Francis', we will help you to feel at home as we worship the living God together.

As St Francis Church Family, we offer a broad and diverse range of services, which include Holy Communion with sung responses, monthly Family Services, Morning Prayer, Celtic Morning Prayer and monthly Evensong with traditional language. We worship in song supported by our Organists, Guitarists and the music group

Get in touch


St Francis Vicarage, Balcombe Road, Horley, RH6 9AY

PA To Team Rector
(01293) 771088
Chuch Warden
01293 738067

Our website

What's on

Mid Week Holy Communion

Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Francis
St Francis' Church, 84 Balcombe Road Horley, RH6 9AY, United Kingdom

Quiet and reflective Service