Said Eucharist (With the Book of Common Prayer once a month)

Every Sunday at for 45 mins
St Edward the Confessor, Romford
St Edward's Church, Market Place, Romford, RM1 3AB, United Kingdom

Said Eucharist every week. Common Worship (Order One) with the Book Of Common Prayer once a month. (This is usually on the second Sunday of every month)

Junior Church

Every Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Edward the Confessor, Romford
St Edward's Church, Market Place, Romford, RM1 3AB, United Kingdom

Junior Church is for children aged 5-11 years and takes place at the back of the church.
It is full of fun activities for children and a great introduction to church. Registration is from 09:45am.
We look forward to meeting you!

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Sung Eucharist

Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Edward the Confessor, Romford
St Edward's Church, Market Place, Romford, RM1 3AB, United Kingdom

We are a diverse congregation of people from many different spiritual and ethnic backgrounds who come together to enjoy a rich repertoire of old and new music led by our outstanding choir.

Choral Evensong - Monthly at 6:30pm (See our poster for details)

Monthly. Every Sunday at for 1 hour
St Edward the Confessor, Romford
St Edward's Church, Market Place, Romford, RM1 3AB, United Kingdom

From the book of Common Prayer, please see our poster for detail and dates.

Please check our news sheet for details

Caterpillars (Term Time)

Every Tuesday at for 1 hour
St Edward the Confessor, Romford
St Edward's Church, Market Place, Romford, RM1 3AB, United Kingdom

For pre-school children and their parents, grandparents and carers. Songs, Stories and Crafts for an hour of fun! This event is free and all are welcome. Term time only.

During schools term time.


Every Wednesday at for 1 hour
St Edward the Confessor, Romford
St Edward's Church, Market Place, Romford, RM1 3AB, United Kingdom

Bellringing is so many things. It is a physical and mental exercise, it is a sociable group activity and it can engage all ages and abilities. It is a way of creating a musical sound with bells.
We have experienced trainers and you do not need to have any musical ability to learn.

Follow this link to hear an example of ringing at Romford.

For bellringing to continue and be enjoyable we need more people to learn how to do it.
We meet for a weekly practice at the church on Wednesday evening starting at 7.45pm.
Why not come and give it a go?

St Edward's Playgroup

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
Wykeham Centre (Next to St Edward's Church)
Wykeham Centre (Next to St Edward's Church), Market Place Romford, RM1 3AB, United Kingdom

Thursday's 9:30-11:30am for pre-school age children. We look forward to seeing you.

During Term time

Phoenix Club (For Seniors, aged 55 and over)

Every Thursday at for 2 hours
St Edward the Confessor, Romford
St Edward's Church, Market Place, Romford, RM1 3AB, United Kingdom

The Phoenix Club meet every week on a Thursday, from 1:30-3:30pm at the back of St Edward's Church. It is for people who continue to enjoy the friendship and companionship of others. The Phoenix Club run events throughout the year, and have celebrated the Harvest with a Ploughmans, the Coronation and have had a number of great days out. They are an inclusive club and welcome anyone over approx 55 years of age to join them.

Weekly fees are just £2.

They look forward to seeing you!

Evolve - Every Friday 16:00-18:00

Every Friday at for 2 hours
Church House (Next to St Edward's Church)
Church House (Next to St Edward's Church), Market Place, Romford, RM1 3AB, United Kingdom

Evolve is every Friday for 10-16 years olds. Play pool, chat to friends, and have some great food!

St Edward's Church All Age Service

Monthly. Every Second Sunday at for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Edward the Confessor, Romford
St Edward's Church, Market Place, Romford, RM1 3AB, United Kingdom

This is usually on the second Sunday of every month starting at 10am (dates below). Our young people enjoy playing a key role in leading the service.
Please see the attachment for the services

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Diddy Disciples

Sunday 31 March 2024 at for 30 mins
St Edward the Confessor, Romford
St Edward's Church, Market Place, Romford, RM1 3AB, United Kingdom

Diddy Disciples is fun bible teaching for young children aged 0-5 years. It is the first and fourth Sunday of the Month. Meet in the children's area of the church at the beginning of the 10am service. We look forward to seeing you!

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First and Fourth Sunday of every Month