Crib ServiceOn Christmas Eve we were delighted to welcome families and friends to our crib service. It was led by Revd. Sarah Rachel and together we retold the story of the First Christmas. Children, who wanted to, dressed up and together we recreated the Nativity story. As the figures were placed in our stable by the altar, the children shared in building up their own version. We sang carols and closed our service when everyone gathered round the manger and we sang “Away in a Manger’. Sweets were shared before everyone went on their way to hang up their stockings and celebrate Christmas.Christmas CommunionMembers of the congregation and other people in our community joined together to celebrate the first Communion of Christmas.
Today St.Aidan's and St. Laurence joined together for a Carols by Candlelight Service at St.Aidan's Church.The service was well supported and the congregation enjoyed carols, readings and reflections. After the service everyone went into the hall for refreshments which included mulled wine, mince pies, cakes and chocolates.
Thank you to everyone who left gifts around the font.It was lovely to see all the presents for the women and children at the Refuge. I am sure they will be gratefully appreciated. Thank you to our Church Warden Jackie for delivering the gifts too.