March - Time for a Spring Clean

Time for a spring clean?

As the days are drawing out, and there is a sense that spring in the air, it seems to awaken the need to do a bit of a spring clean, even in the Rectory.

Don’t get me wrong, I am not particularly house proud, and any cleaning would be a bonus most of the time, but in the spring, I seem to suddenly find myself wanting to organise even the most disorganised cupboards, and so, so far this year, I have finally sorted out a spice rack and now have my spices neatly arranged, and over the next few days, I will be getting myself the long promised book shelf to organise my recipe books in the kitchen, and free up some space in the cupboard where they were shoved when we moved in just over three years ago. Who knows where this might lead, and how many other hidden spots in the house, will succumb to a bit of a spring clean?

Meanwhile of course, the garden is also calling for attention, there is plenty of spring cleaning to be done outside, leaves to be cleared, paths to be jet washed, garden furniture to be spruced up all to be ready for the warmer, sunnier days to come.

In the Christian calendar, we begin our Lenten spiritual spring clean this year on the 5th March with our Ash Wednesday services. In this season which is traditionally underpinned by fasting, prayer and giving, we are given space to clean our souls, removing the clutter that sometimes creeps in and giving space for God, as we journey ever closer to the foot of the cross on Good Friday, before the joy of the resurrection, which this year we will celebrate on the 20th April.

And so as we begin or continue our spring cleans this year, as we rake up the last of the mulching leaves, allowing light and life to come back into our gardens, as we reorder our cupboards and tidy up our shelves, may we also in this season of Lent, pay attention to our souls, and allow the light and life of Christ into our hearts and into our lives.

May God bless you.

Reverend Heather Wilcox