When someone who’s neurodivergent said they’d like to come to church but would feel uncomfortable, we began to explore how we could help. They had some challenges: being unable to sit through the whole service, finding it too noisy or the hymns too emotional, not knowing what to expect or what was expected of them. So we started adjusting our usual ‘Worship for All’ format, devising a much more inclusive service, one we hope will help everyone to feel comfortable and truly welcomed. Not just a one-off service, but one that can help us identify areas some people find challenging in our services and address them for future services where we can.So do try and join us for this very special service, where we’ll begin to explore the issues that Neurodivergent people (and others) might find difficult. And please do let those who might have issues with a traditional service know it’s happening. If you find sitting on the hard wooden pews uncomfortable and just need to get up and stretch your legs, you can! Or if you need to wander out for a cup of coffee half way through, or have something in your hands to fiddle with, you can!Come as you are – you are very welcome! And let us know what we can do to make you feel moreincluded, so we can make our first Sunday services truly for ALL!
Many thanks from Ruth Bell to everyone who came to last Saturday’s Curry Night – a very splendidmeal was much enjoyed by all in the packed St Mary’s Room. An excellent total of £600 was raisedfor the Indian charity Building Bettter Futures International, of which Ruth’s husband Simon Bell isa trustee. A big thank-you to Ruth & Geraldine for laying on such a fantastically varied, tasty meal.
Musole Gurnett joined the team of India Jayatillake and Simons Gibbs & Garwood as the PCC Church School Governor at last week’s St Mary’s PCC meeting.Musole is a committed Christian who worships with her family at Bethel Christian Fellowship in Witham. She works in HR at King’s College in London, and brings with her valuable skills and experience. Born in Zambia, Musole has lived in England since she was 4 and in Kelvedon for the last 10 years. Her daughter is in Year 1 at the school.