These are Lent & Easter events this year.

12noon - 1:30pm Lent Discussion Group "RePurpose" - the Feast Room, Matching Church

Tuesday 11 March 2025, Tuesday 18 March 2025, Tuesday 25 March 2025, Tuesday 01 April 2025, Tuesday 08 April 2025, Tuesday 15 April 2025 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Feast Room next to St Mary's, Matching Church
The Feast Room next to St Mary's, Matching Church, CM170QZ

This year our lunchtime Lent Group will be following a course from the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity called RePurpose which is designed to help people discover God’s purposes for their life in the 3rd and 4th ages of life (so this is aimed at folk who are retired or nearing retirement and acknowledging all our differing contexts). Dates as follows:
Tuesday 11th March – Looking in the Rear-View Mirror
Tuesday 18th March – Identity: Who am I?
Tuesday 25th March - My Context
Tuesday 1st April – Vocation
Tuesday 8th April - Growth
Tuesday 15th April - Legacy
Meeting in the Feast Room next to Matching Church, CM17 0QZ. Tea and coffee provided, please bring your own sandwiches/packed lunch. All Welcome.

This is a 6 session course. You are welcome to come when you can or come to every session.

6pm-7:30pm Lent Group - A Way Through the Wilderness

Wednesday 12 March 2025, Wednesday 19 March 2025, Wednesday 02 April 2025, Wednesday 16 April 2025 at for 1 hour, 30 mins
The Chequers Pub, Matching Green
The Chequers Pub, Matching Green, CM17 0PZ, United Kingdom

an evening lent discussion group based around bible passages looking at how we make a way through the wilderness with God through times of change and challenge. We meet on a selection of Wednesdays through lent (see below) in The Chequers Pub, Matching Green, CM17 0PZ. Turn up to one session or more - all welcome. 12th March, 19th March, 2nd April, 16th April 2025

10am Palm Sunday - Family Communion with blessing of the palms

for 1 hour
St Mary the Virgin, Matching
St Mary the Virgin, Matching, CM170QZ, United Kingdom

We start Holy Week with our Holy Communion service (Common Worship) on Palm Sunday at St Mary the Virgin, Matching CM170QZ. Open to all ages and stages with the blessing of the palms and hymns followed by refreshments in our Ancient Marriage Feast Room adjacent.

9pm Online Compline on Zoom

Monday 14 April 2025, Wednesday 16 April 2025 at for 30 mins
on Zoom
on Zoom, United Kingdom

A short form of night prayer and a relaxing way to end the day on the Monday and Wednesday of Holy Week 2025 on zoom. (NB in person night prayer in Tuesday 15th April at Little Laver)
Email: [email protected] for the zoom link

7:30pm Candlelit Compline (Night Prayer in person)

for 1 hour
Little Laver: St Mary the Virgin
LITTLE LAVER ROAD Little Laver Harlow, CM170RL, United Kingdom

A beautiful candlelit service of night prayer with silence, singing and stillness in Holy Week at St Mary the Virgin, Little Laver CM17 0RL (please bring a torch and park in the farm adjacent - the top courtyard)

7pm Maundy Thursday - Agape Meal with Holy Communion and Hand Washing

for 1 hour, 45 mins
High Laver: All Saints
High Laver: All Saints, High Laver Ongar, CM5 0DX, United Kingdom

we gather together to remember Jesus' last supper by sharing a meal, celebrating Holy Communion and washing one another's hands at All Saints' High Laver, High Laver Ongar, CM5 0DX. Please contact Tina Webb 01277 890 241 or Tricia Ryder 07710644486 if you wish to attend so we can cater for the right number. Open to all ages and stages.

2pm Stations of the Cross

for 1 hour
Matching: St Mary the Virgin
Matching: St Mary the Virgin, CHURCH GREEN Matching Harlow, CM170QZ, United Kingdom

a service of music, silence, meditations on art, prayers and readings as we walk the way of the cross with Jesus this Good Friday. St Mary the Virgin, Matching CM170QZ

10am EASTER SUNDAY Family Communion at St Mary Magdalen, Magdalen Laver

for 1 hour, 15 mins
St Mary Magdalen, Magdalen Laver
St Mary Magdalen, Magdalen Laver, CM5 0EG, United Kingdom

At 10am we celebrate Easter as a Church Family with Family Communion followed by refreshments. Please do join us.