Facilities and features


There are toilets including a disabled toilet in the Marriot Hall which are always open during services.

Baby Changing Facilities

There is a large car park.

Accessible Toilet

There is a ramped access to the church from the middle path of the car park. The path from the car park nearest the road leads to a stepped entrance to the church. There is flat access to the church hall.

This is marked by the hearing loop logo above the relevant pew.

Large print hymn books and service sheets are available. Dyslexia friendly service sheets are also available.

Assistance dogs are welcome.

Wheelchair access

Our Building

We have a lot of very beautiful and old stained glass most of which is much older than the church. Details in church. Sometimes we have group visits from academics or historians to view the glass.

The church is a grade 2 listed building.

Music and Worship

Groups, Courses and Activities

Help for Visitors

Various leaflets are available in church detailing its history. A local history expert gives talks to local schools by arrangement.

Other Features

We are a foodbank collection point.

The hall is in use by the Pre-school during the day but is available for hire evenings and weekends.