These are Lent & Easter events this year.

Blue Mothering Sunday service

for 1 hour
Eltham, St Saviour
Middle Park Avenue Eltham London, SE9 5JH, United Kingdom

Mothering Sunday is a day when we give thanks for our Earthly Mothers, Sadly for some people this day is one which brings up unpleasant or distressing memories, Our Blue Mothering day service is one of prayer and reflection which helps us to bring or difficulties to God.

Palm Sunday Eucharist service

for 1 hour
Eltham, St Saviour
Middle Park Avenue Eltham London, SE9 5JH, United Kingdom

Join us as we celebrate Jesus's arrival in Jerusalem. Crowds of people came out of the city to greet him, throwing down palm branches on the road and so we are given a Palm Cross as a symbol of this day.

Mass of the Last Supper

for 1 hour
Eltham, St Saviour
Middle Park Avenue Eltham London, SE9 5JH, United Kingdom

The Thursday after Palm Sunday is when we remember the Passover supper, which Jesus ate with his disciples the night he was betrayed, During this meal he shared bread and wine. This meal is known as the Last Supper and became the basis for the Eucharist (sharing of bread and wine) that happens in Church every Sunday

Good Friday Meditative service

for 1 hour, 15 mins
Eltham, St Saviour
Middle Park Avenue Eltham London, SE9 5JH, United Kingdom

On Good Friday, we remember that Jesus was crucified on a cross. services on Good Friday are usually quiet and solemn as we remember the suffering of Jesus before his death.

Mass of Easter Morning

for 1 hour
Eltham, St Saviour
Middle Park Avenue Eltham London, SE9 5JH, United Kingdom

After Jesus had died on the Cross, his body was laid in a cave tomb. It was late on the sabbath and so the burial rituals were left till the following day. The authorities had the tomb guarded as they were fearful that Jesus' disciples would come and take his body away.

On the first Easter Sunday Mary Magdalene and some women visited the tomb to complete the burial rituals but found that although the tomb had been guarded the stone that had closed the entrance had been moved and that Jesus' body was no longer in the tomb. Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene and then to rest of the disciples telling them that god had raised him from the dead. Join us as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.