New Electoral Roll in 2025

Application Form for St Giles Electoral Roll.pdf Download

The Church of England requires that all churches must prepare a new Electoral Roll every sixth year, and 2025 is one of those years.

This means that even if you are currently on St Giles' Electoral Roll, you will need to reapply this year.

If you are not currently on the Roll but have attended worship for at least six months, we would encourage you to apply.

You can download an application form here, complete it electronically and return it by email.

Alternatively, paper forms are available in the Church if you prefer to apply that way. Completed hard-copy forms should be handed to a warden or sidesperson on Sundays, or posted to the Electoral Roll Officer.

Forms must be submitted by 26th April 2025 at the latest - to ensure the new Roll is adequately displayed before the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on Sunday, 18th May 2025.

Following receipt of all completed forms, the names of all enrolled members will be displayed at the back of church between April 13th and 27th, during which time any necessary alterations can be made. Please note that the published roll will NOT include your address to ensure your privacy.

Enrolled church members will be entitled to vote at the next Annual Parochial Church Meeting on 18th May 2025.