Taize Service

for 1 hour
Great Bentley: St Mary the Virgin
Great Bentley Green Great Bentley Colchester, CO7 8QG, United Kingdom

We will be holding a Taize Service on Sunday 18th February at 4pm for everyone who is interested in trying this different style of worship at St Mary’s Church.
This is a very peaceful, meditative style of service, involving singing & choruses in chants. For those who would like to join in with the singing, there will be a practice morning on the 10th February at 10 am in the Church.

Great Bentley: St Mary the Virgin

Welcome to St Mary's Church! We are your local C of E village church, on the edge of the beautiful Great Bentley Green. Our Services are held every Sunday at 9.30 am - all are welcome to join.

Get in touch

Wendy Smith

01206 250098

Our website

What's on

Taize Service

for 1 hour
Great Bentley: St Mary the Virgin
Great Bentley Green Great Bentley Colchester, CO7 8QG, United Kingdom

We will be holding a Taize Service on Sunday 18th February at 4pm for everyone who is interested in trying this different style of worship at St Mary’s Church.
This is a very peaceful, meditative style of service, involving singing & choruses in chants. For those who would like to join in with the singing, there will be a practice morning on the 10th February at 10 am in the Church.


We are committed to Safeguarding children and young people and vulnerable adults.
The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website: https://www.churchofengland.org/more/safeguarding/ or on the safeguarding pages of the Chelmsford Diocese: https://www.chelmsford.anglican.org/safeguarding
Details of our Parish Safeguarding representative can be found on the notice board in the Church. Our Parish Safeguarding representative, Wendy King can be contacted on [email protected]