
Every Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Last Sunday at for 1 hour
Great Bentley: St Mary the Virgin
Great Bentley Green Great Bentley Colchester, CO7 8QG, United Kingdom

9.30 Service every Sunday.
Every 3rd Sunday we hold an all age family service.
On every 1st Sunday we hold a joint Benefice Communion at 10 am - this alternates between churches please do check our website, facebook page, or Great Bentley Parish Magazine.

Knit & Natter

Monthly. Every Third Thursday at for 1 hour, 30 mins
Great Bentley: St Mary the Virgin
Great Bentley Green Great Bentley Colchester, CO7 8QG, United Kingdom

Bring your knitting, crochet, needlework or just yourselves for a natter. All abilities are very welcome from beginners to experts.
There is no fee and we provide complimentary refreshments.
We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month between 2 pm & 3.30 pm in the Church Hall behind the main Church.

No meeting in December

Coffee Morning

Monthly. Every Third Saturday at for 2 hours
Great Bentley: St Mary the Virgin
Great Bentley Green Great Bentley Colchester, CO7 8QG, United Kingdom

Once a month, we will be holding a coffee morning to support the work of the church. Everyone is warmly welcomed to join us for a cuppa, chat & a slice of cake.

No meeting in December

Benefice Service

In February, April, July, September, November. Every First Sunday at for 1 hour
Great Bentley: St Mary the Virgin
Great Bentley Green Great Bentley Colchester, CO7 8QG, United Kingdom

Every 1st Sunday we hold a joint benefice service with our Church family from St Osyth. This alternates between St Mary's Church Great Bentley, and St Peter & St Paul's Church at St Osyth.
The benefice service in July will be held in Great Bentley, and in St Osyth in August

Flower and Art Festival

for 1 day, 6 hours
Great Bentley: St Mary the Virgin
Great Bentley Green Great Bentley Colchester, CO7 8QG, United Kingdom

Our flower & art festival returns this year on the 14th & 15th of September. This year, the theme for our flower arrangements is ‘My Favourite Song’. Come along and see if you can guess them all!
Art will also be exhibited from local artists for you to enjoy and purchase.
Refreshments available, as well as a variety of stalls to include a Raffle, Tombola & Produce.